I was talking to factgirl on #everything last night about her autistic son. She wrote a beautiful, funny, sad node about it, three-year-old boys are usually not very interesting people. My brother has Asperger's syndrome (a mild form of autism) so I can empathise with how factgirl is feeling and I also have some idea of the problems that factgirl's young lad will encounter later in life. Plenty.

Anyhow, I think I'm inspired to try and write something about this myself but to be truthful just thinking about it feels like a crushing weight pressing down on me. Although I have my own problems I still spend a lot of time and emotional energy worrying about my brother. I feel very close to him even though he can't really reciprocate this.

Lighten up Noether!

It's a beautful English summer day outside and although I'm a bit knackered after mowing the lawn this morning I think I'll head out to the park this afternoon and read a little more of The Snow Leopard which is wonderful.

My great alphabetical CD listening project is proceeding apace, Bauhaus,Beethoven and Bjork are but a distant memory and it's on to Tracy Chapman

I've got my ticket
I think I'm going to use it
I think I'm going to fly away
Good plan!
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