The Shuffle of your MP3 program. It is great, wonderful, amazing, absoutely incredible. You load your favourite MP3 playlist file, set it to loop and to shuffle, and go to work.

You work, one of your favourite songs comes on, you enjoy the song... then the MP3 program's nice built in randomizer repeats the song. You think "OK, I really like the song, I don't mind" or "Yay, my favourite song is on again" or something such as. The randomizer selects another song from the playlist. You listen to the song, continueing your work. Than the randomizer selects the song it has just played twice in a row.

You are somewhat annoyed. You've listened to the song enough to annoy you. The randomizer selects the song again. You are annoyed at the player, but you have work to do, you must continue doing it.

You do your best to ignore the program and the song. The song repeats again, you get up, peeved, and just kill it before you plug the etherkiller you have prepared at all times into your box or something such as.