A cable channel devoted entirely to game shows. Features classic shows like "The Price Is Right" and "Family Feud", as well as forgettable shows like "Bumper Stumpers" and "Card Sharks", which probably shouldn't have been on TV in the first place, let alone in re-runs. It's channel 58 where I am, but MediaOne doesn't even list it in their Viewing Guide. Quite entertaining... I'm still waiting for a re-run that I can remember. And every time I see Richard Dawson, I can't help but think of The Running Man... "Who loves you, and who do you love? KILLIAN!"

Also features commercials that go something like this:

Bored woman: Sputnik.
Fraternity guys: Sputnik.
Boy watching TV: Sputnik.
Man having sex: Sputnik.
Woman packing clothes: Sputnik!
Barber: Sputnik!
Waitresses: Sputnik!
Fraternity guys: Sputnik!
Boy watching TV: SPUTNIK!
Woman packing clothes: SPUTNIK! SPUTNIK!
Man having sex: SPUTNIK!
Barber: SPUTNIK!
Bartender: SPUTNIK!
Fraternity guys: SPUTNIK!
Woman packing clothes: SPUTNIIIIIIIIIIIIK!

Clueless quiz show contestant: Skylab?