I sit here, alone until my parents come home. Time has ended. I have no obligations; nothing needs to be done. And what really frightens me is that I don't know what I want to do.

It may seem funny to think of the end of college as the end of time, but it really is. I know I used to do things, just for fun. I used to chat with my friends. Fine, I've done that. I wanted to watch TV. But I can't figure out what used to be so exciting about it. So, now, I'm just sitting here noding, unable to think of anything that I would like to do. It's horrible. Maybe I didn't need to make decisions in college - there was always something that needed to be done.
Time was structured. Now that structure is lost.

So, time has ended. And I don't know what I want to do. It's amazing - there were days in college when I would have given a hundred dollars for one hour of freedom, or even just sleep. But now freedom stretches before me, week upon week, and I don't know what to do with it. If there is a God, he has a peculiar sense of irony.