1874-1946, American avant-garde author, playwright who lived most of her life in Paris

She was educated briefly in Europe and then at Radcliffe. She went abroad with her brother Leo in 1902 and until her death lived mainly in Paris.

In the period of 1906-1908, she developed a method of writing called linguistic repetition. She repeats certain words and phrases, much like mps attempted to emulate below.

Her first publication in a periodical was in Alfred Stieglitz's Camera Work magazine.

In 1920s she led a cultural salon, acting as a patron for such artists as:

Known as salon at 27 rue de fleurus many international literary and cultural icons attended.

Just as England declared war on Germany, Stein was visiting the philosopher A. N. Whitehead at his home in Britain. After a short stay in Majorca, she returned to Paris for the duration of the war.

In 1934 Stein travelled to New York, where her opera, "Four Saints In Three Acts", music composed by Virgil Thomson, had become a huge success with an all-black cast.

Although she wrote a lot of poetry, probably her most famous work was, Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas 1933.

She is buried in Le Cimetière du Père Lachaise in Paris.

Other titles include:

Influenced Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Sources: http://www.sci.fi/~solaris/stein/steinbib.html http://www.tenderbuttons.com/ Last Updated 09.26.04