Node what you learn, is a good way to completely understand ,what you have to learn (especially for non-native English speakers). I have always made the experience, that I understand things better if I have to explain them to another person. Because you cannot only adopt things you have read, like one often does when learning for oneself, but you have to re-think the read, and figure out a way to make it plausible for the listener.
I think writing on Everything2 is even better, because you do not know, what the other person knows. So you have to start without making assumptions. If you explain something to someone, who has to learn the same stuff, you do not explain the whole thing. But when you have to explain everything it helps you to connect things and re-think facts you took for granted. This is more useful for people, whose native language is not English, as it takes more knowledge of the facts, to not only tell them, but to translate them.

Short introduction to noding what you learn:

  • Read everything you have about the topic on which you plan to node
  • Search E2 for the topic: Is there anything at all? Is the information incomplete? Is there more, than you know?
  • Learn (I am not very good at methodical learning, so you have to figure it out yourself)
  • Do the above steps till you think you completely understand the topic, then write down notes, in your native language, think about a structure (especially if the topic is complicated)
  • Write the text in your native language and give it to a friend (not someone, who has to learn the same stuff, but with a similar academic background). Has he/she too many questions? Add additional facts to the text
  • Translate the text and submit it to E2, use hard-links and soft-links(you already know of similar topics from step 2) to connect to similar topics or explanations for things you assumed.
  • Be happy, as you did not spend time on E2 again, but learned, as everybody told you.

I think of Node what you learn of a midway between Node What You Know and Node What You Don't Know, as it helps you reach the "What-You-Know" stage.