A city in southeast Michigan just south of Detroit in Wayne County; sitting directly on the Detroit River across from Windsor, Canada. The city was named after the Wyandot Indians.

The population is approximately 28,000 people in about 12,000 households. The average income for these households is approximately $49,000 dollars.

The predominant employers are BASF and the local Henry Ford Hopital. The remaining jobs are supplied by the automotive manufacturers, Ford, DaimlerChrysler and General Motors.

Wyandotte has the dubious distinction of having an average of 1 bar per block. There are more than 200 bars in this 5.5 square mile city.

You can find our more about this fair city on the World Wide Web at the Wyandotte web site:


Data Source: www.wyandotte.net, Wyandotte Travel brochure, time spent in Wyandotte