I'm currently working in a strip bar as the coat check girl. I'd never been in a "gentleman's club" previous to working at one.

I'm desperate to make some fast cash to pay rent on my apartment, and this seemed the fastest.

I've always been sort of against places like this. I say things like, "Even if you aren't having sex with these people, you're still selling your ass for money," and I feel that I have more to offer this world than stripping. Needless to say this experience is rather odd for me. It's funny to observe the types of people who are customers at places like this. People are actually willing to use an ATM machine that costs $10, and buy $6 packs of cigarettes!

A thing I find extremely humorous is the choice of music. I laugh hysterically seeing girls stripping to songs by Creed, for instance. "I'm a Jesus freak..and I'm naked, too...the Lord wants you to stuff that dollar bill into my g-string.." I still am not too fond of this industry, but I must say it's pretty amusing.