Conversion is a term used to describe the extent of a chemical reaction process. The concept is generally used in reaction engineering, the design of chemical reactors that convert reactants to products. Chemical conversion is expressed as a fraction, indicating the number of moles that have reacted per number of moles that could react if the reaction goes to completion. For instance, consider the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water.

2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O

The reaction above shows the stoichiometry of the reactant species: two moles of hydrogen will react with one mole of oxygen to form 2 moles of water. A more generalized form involving two product species and two reactant species is:

a A + b B -> c C + d D

The upper case letters represent chemical species, and the lower case letters represent stoichiometric coefficients. Note that the number of reactants or products could also be one, or more than two. Usually, the conversion is defined in terms of one of the reactant species. If we take species A as basis of our calculation, we have to divide the reaction expression by the stoichiometric coefficient of species A (i.e. every quantity is "per mole of A"):

A + (b/a) B -> (c/a) C + (d/a) D

The conversion of species A, XA is now defined as:

XA = moles of A reacted / moles of A fed

When dealing with only one reaction, we can omit the subscript A, since the conversion of A is equal to the conversion of B. However, with multiple (simultaneous) reactions this is not always the case.

An example: consider the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen to form water, as was stated before. First we write down the chemical reaction in terms of the hydrogen species:

H2 + (1/2) O2 -> H2O

Assume that initially, 20 moles of hydrogen and 10 moles of oxygen are present. At some point during the reaction (we're doing this under very controlled conditions, since the reaction mixture is explosive), there are 8 moles of hydrogen left, and 4 moles of oxygen. Thus, (20-8) = 12 moles of hydrogen have reacted. The conversion is:

X = 12 / 20 = 0.6 (=60%)