NaNoWriMo is a great time to build up a collection of short articles that you can schedule during the next year. It's a reasonable method to build up your word count while simultaneously getting more blog posts. 

Since my blog is about writing in general, I like to include how-to articles and other subjects useful to authors. My target for each post is around 500 words.

The first thing I have to come up with is a subject I haven't written about. Lucky for me, I have a lot of folks who ask interesting questions. Many times I can get an entire blog post out of a single question. I also glean ideas from industry news and the regular mainstream media. The secret is to get an idea that you can cover in a short article without glossing over things or beating a dead horse.

Once I have an idea, I try to come up with two or three major points about that subject. For example:

  NaNoWriMo for Beginners
     1. Sign up on the website.
     2. How to come up with an idea for a book or novella.
     3. Writing until the cows come home (on November 30th.)


That took me all of two minutes. If it looks a bit familiar, it's the method most US grade schools teach their English students when it comes to writing a paper. You can come up with ideas on subjects that you're familiar with. If you like flowers, teach us what the colors of roses represent. If you like trucks, tell us why the 7.3 liter diesel engine was the best ever made. Start out with what you know, then begin to explore areas that you need to research. That will help you with worldbuilding and give your readers some variety.

Iron Noder 2017