A standard Ethernet networking cable can be easily constructed inexpensively. If you want to create custom installations or wish to network your house, you will not want to use pre-made lengths, as you can create the exact lengths of wiring in the walls or raceways.

When assembling a network cable, only buy rolls of Category 5 (CAT5) cable. You can purchase a crimping tool and RJ-45 connectors inexpensively, and they make a good investment.

There are two types of cables to construct: the straight-through (normal) and the crossover (also known as a null modem Ethernet cable).

Industry standards in wiring construction have made it easier to make cables. You want to make sure that you construct the cable using pairs of wires inside the CAT5 cable. The pairs of wires are twisted together to reduce interference and crosstalk between wires.

Wire #       Colour of Wire

Wire 1       White with an Orange Stripe
Wire 2       Orange
Wire 3       White with a Green Stripe
Wire 4       Blue
Wire 5       White with a Blue Stripe
Wire 6       Green
Wire 7       White with a Brown Stripe
Wire 8       Brown

Straight-Through Construction:

Pin 1   ===>   Pin 1
Pin 2   ===>   Pin 2
Pin 3   ===>   Pin 3
Pin 6   ===>   Pin 6

Pins 1 and 2 (Transmit)   ===>   Pins 1 and 2 (Transmit)
Pins 3 and 6 (Receive)    ===>   Pins 3 and 6 (Receive)

Crossover Cable Construction:

Pin 1   ===>   Pin 3
Pin 2   ===>   Pin 6
Pin 3   ===>   Pin 1
Pin 6   ===>   Pin 2

Pins 1 and 2 (Transmit)   ===>   Pins 3 and 6 (Receive)
Pins 3 and 6 (Receive)    ===>   Pins 1 and 2 (Transmit)

        |  |
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     Pin 1

If you want to make a few bucks, you can construct custom cables for friends or for LAN parties.