Pronouns are words like he, she, it they, this, that, which, and who that replace another word so that it does not have to be repeated.

For example:
  • Stand/Alone/Bitch is a prolific noder here on Everything2. Stand/Alone/Bitch has written some of the most interesting nodes I've encountered. If you are looking for something to read, I highly recommend you read anything by Stand/Alone/Bitch.

  • Stand/Alone/Bitch is a prolific noder here on Everything2. She has written some of the most interesting nodes I've encountered. If you're looking for something to read, I highly recommend her writeups.
  • One of the most common problems newer writers have concern vague pronoun references.

    For example:
  • Sending digital data from your computer through your modem presents security issues that can compromise its integrity.
    What can be compromised, the data, the computer or the modem?

  • When Wharfinger /msg'd FelonyMPulse, he was curious.
    Who was curious... Wharfinger or FelonyMPulse?

  • Implied references can make sense to the writer, but not to the reader.

    For example:
  • Mat Catastrophe nuked all of the Nodeshell Rescue Team's writeups in retaliation for their posting his credit card number. This started the Great E2 Feud.
    What started the feud, Mat's nuke or the credit card post?

  • Nate's policy prohibited trolls, which most noders resented.
    What did the noders resent, trolls or Nate's policy?