The word anarchy stems from greek. It means, roughly, "no ruler." Not "no order," or "no society."
I think that you are confusing anarchy as a movement (which is so very multifaceted-- eco-anarchy, anarcho-feminism, anarcho-syndicalism, and so forth ad nauseum-- that a magazine presents nothing like the whole of the idea) with anarchy as a political scene. If you get caught up in the fads and cliques of some of the "anarchists" you end up missing the meaning which is supposed to be carried through.
This is carried to the extreme when one looks at the general public's views on anarchy, which are, on the whole, completely unrelated to what anarchy actually is. On the whole, the public sees anarchy as a movement which seeks to reduce everything to chaos, which is violent, and which is largely composed of angry, violent adolescents. In reality, anarchy is a movement that, for the most part, is completely supportive of having a cultured civilization, is supportive of technology, and has a rich, varied history. And, in direct opposition to the "violent" stereotype, a large portion of the anarchist movement is composed of pacifists, seeing the use of physical violence as a form of coercion.