I was going past some military research center as a part of sight-seeing tour, but the tour was stopped by a tank. Some high-ranking soldier got out, and after a short conversation the topic had turned to military equipment. He told me that no one could run 500 meters to the other side of the open area without being hit by the main gun of the tank, and the army was keeping a contest with money prize about it. The barrel of the tank was shiny and strangely warped, but I heard it was for firing practice rounds, so I decided to try running. At first the dodging was easy because I got to a half underground tunnel that military technics used, and though the tank fired at them too, I managed to pass through the tunnel and got to the long open area. The opening was far enough so the tank had to shoot ballistically, which gave me time to run different way each time I heard the cannon firing. I was doing quite well, so a black Volvo started following me from about ten meters behind for counting the distance. I was just few meters away from the minium line when an empty can-like practice round hit me in the back, but since the Volvo was coming about ten meters behind me, it turned out that I had gotten over the minium line though the car hadnt, and I was told that I won..