Cribbage boards come in several basic varieties:
  • The "traditional" model, featuring four parallel tracks (otherwise known as "streets") of 30 holes each. Players "loop" around the board twice in a game to 121, using two of the tracks. This board is highly suited to shorter games to 61 or even 61 points.
  • The "snake" model, featuring two continuous tracks of 120 holes arranged in a spiral formation.
  • The "N" model, featuring two continuous tracks of 120 holes arranged in an "N" formation.
  • The "long board," featuring two continuous tracks of 120 holes, each running the length of the board and turning around after 60 holes.

Many other stylized versions and "novelty" boards exist. Generally, however, each track (regardless of design) is broken up into blocks of five holes each, for ease of counting.