Amr Diab is perhaps the most famous Arab musician, and definitely the most recognisable out of Egypt, the cultural Mecca of the Arab world. Amr Diab is often referred to as "The Arab Ricky Martin" and indeed there appear to be many similarities between the two.. I'll leave these up to you to discover.

Perhaps his best known hit is Habibi (Ya Nour El-Ain). It features a Latino vibe that you'll find is common in many of his songs. Interestingly, his collaborations cross cultural and language boundaries most notably with Angela Dimitriou in the tracks Ana Bahabak Aktar and Eleos. He was also featured in a Shakira track called Ojos Asi (Eyes like yours). It was a minor chorus role as opposed to a duet however.

Recently, he has been trying to enter the English speaking market by releasing a version of Nour El-Ain with some English lyrics that just screams (or in this case murmurs provocatively) Fresh Off the Boat. Another example is the track Wala Ala Balo (Not On His Mind) which includes a section of rap in English. (It is probably worth noting that Amr Diab himself isn't the one who raps, (thank god))

A nice unofficial source of information and lyrics and so on exists at