Some of you may be interested in knowing about freaky-ass things that happen in the community. If you are not interested in freaky-ass shit, please do not read this missive. Go talk to your children about adjusting to life in this hell hole we live in. Go on. DO IT.

I work for a pro-violence group in Washington now. We work hard to promote violence in every part of society through fund raising and dinner parties. One of my assignments involves hanging out at bus stations and looking for people who appear to be on the edge of committing violent acts, but need a good nudge in the right direction before they will take to violence.

So, there I was, at the bus station. There are twelve or so people waiting for the bus. One is a man whose dinky is hanging out of his trousers. A slow trickle of urine (needs to be noded - possibly by someone with a degree in medicine) was coming out of his dinky.

This was a relatively young man who appeared to be in control of his wits. He just didn't seem to care. At all. And no one else seemed to care either. They were just standing around, casually waiting for the bus, acting like this was no big deal. WTF?

The bus arrived. Everyone gets on, including Dinky Dan. I figure he must have tucked it away because I see him putting money in the thing and nodding at the bus driver before going to sit down. At this point, I need to see what is up with this. I get on the bus, pay the fare, and walk past the man. He is sitting on the bench seats in the front that are turned vertically. His dinky is still out, just hanging out of his trousers. Still got the slow trickle of urine going on. No one is doing or saying anything.

I go and sit down at the back of the bus. I wait until Dinky Dan gets off and I follow him. He just casually walks down the street to a donut shop, walks in, and goes up to the counter to order something. I go in to check this out. His dinky is still hanging out, slow trickle of urine engaged, buying donuts. He sits down at a table and munches away while sipping coffee.

At this point, I called a cab and went back to the office. There is something wrong with society today.