Pinwheel, pinwheel, spinning around.
Look at my Pinwheel and see what I've found.

Pinwheel, pinwheel, where have you been?
Hello, how are you, and may I come in?

Pinwheel, pinwheel, spinning around.
Look at my pinwheel and see what I found.

Pinwheel, pinwheel, breezy and bright.
Spin me good morning, spin me good night.

Pinwheel was a new and struggling cable channel that pumped up its existence and presence with a children's show by the same name in 1979. The daily show was the core carrier of what became Nickelodeon channel in 1980. The show was appropriately named as it enchanted the child viewer for a while, stimulating imagination and creativity. The two human characters, Jake and Kim, seemed genuinely congenial and versatile. Jake often showcased his music or sound boxes, which had a variety of sounds such as coughing and laughing when opened. The most memorable puppet characters were: Luigi O'Brien, a grocer with a cart of talking vegetables, and Silas the Snail who took day trips either flying or crawling along an endless brick wall. The show came to a close in 1989, but its significance in my formative years has permanence in my memory.