Sometimes you do the right thing.

When one flatmate bailed out in November, I did too. I thought about the third flatmate, who wanted to stay. I thought this reluctance to move on was just her inertia. She had a long commute, a boyfriend across town and nothing to enjoy in West Ham. I also though that this was just my rationale for a selfish act. I felt bad for her.

But I did move, and so did she. She had little trouble finding a new residence, and eventually managed to get all her stuff into storage and out again. And she is cheerful, and admits that her new environs are better than the old.

Sometimes you do the right thing.

Work.. what can I say about work. My code is being reviewed by a colleague, as per company policy. She says my code is beautiful, and I blush. The processes is as gruelling as driving all day at 5mph. She is slow. She gurgles hideously. She always leaves gummy prints on my monitor. Disliking her is not simple. I explain all, repeatedly. I am being paid to be patient. The design errors are however being shaken out. It will be done before I go on leave. It will.