A law, or code of law, that is decreed, enforced and vindicated by a specific local, city or county government within a state or province, separate and distinct from state/provincial law and federal/national law. Local ordinances are usually found in a municipal code of law. In the United States, these laws are enforced locally, in addition to state law and federal law. The typical ordinance of a particular city or county is identified by a number, usually three to six digits.

An example of a local ordinance is the Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance (File #070085) that was passed by the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco, CA. The ordinance requires all major supermarkets in San Francisco to use either biodegradable plastic bags or paper checkout bags instead of petroleum-based, non-biodegradable plastic bags.

More information about San Francisco's Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance can be found at the following webpages:


There exists many ordinances in various localities in the United States that prohibit smoking cigarettes in restaurants, in public, or both. Many cities have also passed ordinances prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages on certain days of the week, such as Sunday or Wednesday, and nightclubs must remain closed on such days.