I was Madonna.

And then at other times, I was myself. I played the role of two people in my dream.

I was in Carleton University for some reason and met up with my Love. We had discussed about meeting later on in the day to be together after all of our classes had finished. And then we parted with a long passionate kiss.

And then I was Madonna and held a small concert in a small open area of one of the buildings. Students had gathered around to watch me perform. At the time, it felt pretty weird yet good to have breasts and an outfit to make everyone in awe. I wasn't exactly sure what I was wearing - I think it was more along the lines of what she had worn in Like a Virgin video. As I finished my performance, I had noticed that there was this blonde girl in the audience. It was my Love. And for some reason, being Madonna had made me attracted to her instantly. We chatted for a little while and decided to hang out afterwards in one of the campus bars.

And then I was myself. I tried to find my Love in the hallways but could not. I searched everywhere for her until I saw her with Madonna. But I was also Madonna. At that instant, I had seen myself through my own eyes and as Madonna.

My positions between the two kept switching. At one point, I found myself kissing my Love. But it was at the moment when I was Madonna. Seeing this through my eyes as myself had made me overwhelmed with sadness. I had started to cry at the sight of her being with someone else. These weren't lesbians kissing. Something had happened between my Love and Madonna. There was a connection there I could not break. But it was my own connection. My Love had fallen in love with me. My own charisma (or was it Madonna's?) had defeated myself. I ended up crying some more and woke myself up in the process.

Confused by this dream? I was! But then I came to an analysis. This can be found in my day log.