This is a song that I learned this last Summer at Camp Howdy, and what makes it so special is that YOU choose what verses to include, based on your favourite nursery rhymes. Too, you can choose the singing style, be it Rap, Samba, Bosa Nova, or Trance/Goa.

The way it works is to sing 3/4 of the nursery rhyme, and then, shocking EVERYONE in hearing range, replacing the last line with the catch phrase seen below.
Hunh! Ain't that funky now?

Without further ado:

The Humpty Dumpty Song

Jack and JILL went up the HILL
To fetch a pail pf WATER
Jack fell DOWN and broke his CROWN
and - Hunh! Ain't that funky now?

Ty dump
Hump Hump
Ty dumpTy dumpTy
Ty dump
Hump Hump
Ty dumpTy dumpTy

Old king Cole was as merry old SOUL
And a merry old soul was HE
He CALLED for his pipe, and he CALLED for his bowl
and - Hunh! Ain't that funky now?

Ty dump
Hump Hump
Ty dumpTy dumpTy
Ty dump
Hump Hump
Ty dumpTy dumpTy

Humpty Dumpty sat on the WALL
Humpty Dumpty had a great FALL
ALL the king's horses and ALL the kings men said
"Hunh! Ain't that funky now?"
