Dr. Science had a television show. I swear! It aired during the 1986-87 season, I believe. And it was hilarious....I wish it was on longer than a year.

There was Dr. Science's assistant Rodney (who always got injured due to the Doctor's experiments). And there was Mr. Piccilo, the annoying and suspicious next-door neighbor. Dr. Science also had a female assistant who would read the letters that people would send him, I forgot her name, but she was replaced with another female assistant who's name I forgot too. Dr. Science also had a remote controlled car that had an electronic eye on it that he called Aki.

The show, which was on Saturday afternoons, had funny, offbeat plots. Like the one time Dr. Science made a giant-ray that made ants huge. Fortunately, Mr. Piccilo's bad singing made them shrink down to normal size. And who could forget the Scok Monster, who was a monster made up of all the socks people would lose in the laundry room. This show was way cool, and funnier and more entertaining than Beakman's World or any other live-action science show.