My ultimate and (no more) secret homemade potato salad recipe:

Approved by friends, family and party guests

To prepare my potato salad, you need:

Peel, then boil the potatoes. Let them cool for an hour. After cooling, cut the potatoes in discs of about 5 mm thickness. Boil the eggs (3 minutes).

Then chop up the pickles and onion. Cut the Schinken and Speck, fry the latter in a pan until crisp. Mix a tablespoon of mustard with half a glass of mayonnaise. Add salt, pepper and muscat powder to the mix according to preference.

Mix potatoes with sauce, add pickles, onion, Speck and Schinken and corn and put everything into a large bowl. (The chopped apple can be added at this stage as well). Taste, and maybe add more Salt, Pepper, Muscat. Cut the hard-boiled eggs and tomatoes in wedges and arrange on top of the salad. Refrigerate.

Serve along with hot Wuerstchen, Wieners work best. Enjoy!

Incidentally, this dish has been the traditional dinner on Christmas Eve in my family. It is a variation of North German Pototo Salad.