A cheesy (no pun intended) side-scrolling platform game, released by Virgin for just about every platform worth mentioning at the time (NES and Gameboy included).

Features characters Mick and Mack, who wander around aimlessly in the weird and surreal McDonald's universe. (But who cares about the plot of platformers, anyway?)

The most remarkable thing about this game is that it apparently sold well enough for a sequel... God help us.

Instructions on what to do after you manage to find a copy (buy it, no matter what the price is!):

  1. Devote a room of at least 2x2 meters of your home for this game.
  2. Make an altar out of whatever materials you see fit. (Marble is pretty good.)
  3. Buy a poster of that photograph of exploding Hindenburg (text "Oh the humanity!" is mandatory!)
  4. Place the game (and sequels, and whatever objects that remind you of the sadness of the world) on the altar.
  5. Return to the room every morning for a silent prayer (for whatever gods you happen to believe in), or just think of the matter if you happen to be an atheist.