Good afternoon.


It wasn't nice to wake up and notice I had 1 XP. Well, thanks to the Swift and Just Actions by the Management, my XP came back. Cool. =)


OK, I did the Principles of Digital Media excercises. In the web, because the NT workstation refused to authenticate me.

The web learning environment is Telsi Pro, a rather neat web thing. The first excercise was fairly uninteresting... I just made a small web page with text, graphics and hyperlinks.

Good to see that the excercise requirements specifically said I need to make it HTML 4.0 validated... =)

Further proof that Linux Netscape 4.x sucks: In Java applet that handles the chat feature, the small font size doesn't have äöÄÖ, and when using the big font size, the window takes almost the whole screen. =(


Has anyone noticed that Netscape 4.x can be intimidated? Sometimes, Netscape just stalls while loading the page, but it gets to the work immediately when I move my mouse pointer over the "Stop" button. =)


I finally managed to pen down this relatively uninteresting guitar "arrangement" of the Ultima tune Stones... thanks to =)

      Am         Em       Am             Em
Long ago ran the sun on a folk who had a dream
      Am              Dm           Em    E/B
And the heart and the will and the power:
           Am                 Em             Am                 Em
They moved earth; they carved stone; moulded hill and channeled stream
        Am                 Em             Am
That we might stand on the wide plains of Wiltshire.

Same for 2nd and 4th stanza. Must do the same trick for the 3rd, too. (Lyrics © Origin System Inc.)

Please comment. I'm not a guitar guru, I'm a three chord wonder. =)

Other day logs o' mine...

Noded today by y.t.: Telsi Pro stones Betrayal at Krondor