A movie from 1999 directed by David Kellogg written by Andy Heyward (characters) and Jean Chalopin. A remake of the television series that tries to add some new spins on the old theme.

Players: Matthew Brodrick, Rupert Everett, Joely Fisher, Michelle Trachtenberg, Andy Dick, Cheri Oteri, and others.

The best thing I can say about this movie was that some of the special effects were ok. The story line was crap. They tried to pack way too much into the movie. They should have ditched the stupid car. Got rid of the parts were the police didn't want him on the force. Maybe got rid of most of the action that took place in Claw's lab (I don't remember the cartoon having that much take place there). Claw and his doings are supposed to be more mysterious. They should have developed the interaction between Gadget and Penny and Brenda Bradford more. They could done better sight gags, slapstick, and humor with the gadgets too.

I give this movie 1 out of 4 stars.