While I lived on earth, I had very special people around me.
There were always animals, birds, and water creatures in abundance.
I felt that the sun and the moon and the stars were mine.
While I lived on earth I had everything I ever needed.
I will be going away from this world soon, very soon.
I will be leaving you forever, leaving this land that I love.
You will not see me again.
You will not see me again but I will be watching over you always.
I will be watching over you all forever.

The people at each campsite listened in to this song in silence, imagining sadly a life without their wise and greatly loved leader.

Soon after visiting the last of all the campsites, the man quietly died.

The Djauan were deeply saddened but knew that they must have a leader. They soon chose the right man--old enough for wisdom but young enough to lead them for many years. They knew, though, that their past leader would never--could never--be forgotten.

Time passed and after a while, the people began to believe that the hazy part of the sky, known today as the Milky Way, was the smoke from his sky world camp fire.

"There he is," they would say, "up there in the sky watching over us just as he promised in his song."
And--they were happy knowing that he was there, in the sky world, guiding and guarding his people throughout their days.