One way in which a computer language can be evil is to have it treat whitespace in a special manner. The normal way of dealing with whitespace is to treat all sequence of whitespace characters the same way (as some kind of token separator, usually). Languages which do otherwise are often a pain to program in. Some little languages (like command shells) are justified in doing this (it is expected that the end of the line will terminate a command!). But it's almost never OK to make specific demands for horizontal whitespace (spaces and tabs). Amazingly, people are still performing this crime against ASCII!

Here's an incomplete list of the offendors:

Horizontal whitespace is completely removed from your program! So you can say "GO TO" for "GOTO", but also
       DO 100 X=1.10
might not do what you think it does (note that's a period, not a comma!).
Horizontal whitespace is used to specify block structure. However, a sane alternative (of using braces {...} to delimit blocks) is provided, but looks a bit funny.
Horizontal whitespace must be used to specify block structure. Yuck.
A very special type of horizontal whitespace must be used for command lines in the makefile: the first character of the line must be a TAB. Even 8 spaces won't work, but they'll look the same on your screen. Failing to do this leads to "amusing" errors.

I'm sure many more examples of this idiocy exist...