A design or BIBD (Balanced Incomplete Block Design) with parameters (v, k, lambda, r, b) is an incidence system (the name 'Design' comes from the original use of these combinatorial structures in the design of industrial and agricultural experiments) in which a set of v 'points' is partitioned into b 'blocks' in such a way that any two points determine lamda blocks. There are k points in every block, and each point is contained in r different blocks. In a more general form, a t-Design (with t > 2) has the property that any t points determine lambda blocks.

The prototypical example of a design is the projective space of dimension 2 over GF(2) aka the Fano plane, which is a design with parameters (v=7, k=3, lambda=1, r=3 and b=7) this is also an example of a symmetric design and a Steiner triple system.

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