Day Seven

Strattera, Day Eight:

Yesterday was pretty good as far as side effects go. I think I have to take this stuff after dinner rather than before. I started taking Prilosec, too. It hasn't helped a whole lot yet but that stuff can take a while to start taking full effect. I had some heartburn but it was like the days before yesterday - not that big of a deal.

As far as what the medicine is supposed to do, it's still difficult to say for sure it's making a significant impact. The things I notice are still quite subtle. Like I seem to be remembering things better, but then before Strattera I'd go through times where my memory wasn't that bad. I think my mind might be a little less distracted at work than it usually was. Like when I'm listening to my MP3's, sometimes the song would remind me of something (for instance a movie or television show the song had been featured in) and send me into a daydream. That doesn't seem to be happening much anymore.

I am having non-ADD, Stattera related problems, though. I have to fly out to Phoenix this weekend with my Grandma (plans and tickets still aren't solidified). My sister needs some help. I will say no more, though, because I think she reads my E2 stuff sometimes.