I was up at 4am watching TV. I work graveyard so it is not unusual for me to be watching TV at 4am. On one of our cable access channels was airing Ralph Nader’s Portland ORE speech. This was the first time I got to hear anything from Ralph Nader. I was impressed. I expected some crazy guy like the many of the other well-known third party candidates. Nader was well spoken and has some real cool Ideas. One that really stuck with me was opening the airwaves for people not just companies. He is also for universal health care, which I have thought is a good idea for along time. He also wants to downsize the military's budget. later that weel I was watching an interview with him and a person from both major parties and a news reporter. He defended his stance on of the military budget by saying that the military power would not be compromised. The person from the Republican Party said that at one time he used the word dismantle the military. I have not heard Nader says anything of the sort but I have not heard a lot of his speeches if any one knows please let me know. I have seen other interviews with Nader now and I have not been turn off by him yet. Unlike the other two guys.