An 8-part multi-timbral digital synthesizer/workstation with 16-voice polyphony and a 61-note velocity/aftertouch keyboard. Released in 1988, it was the first major success for Korg and became the world's top selling synth.

The M1 is known for its versatile sounds, which are generated with a built-in AI synthesis using 4Mb of PCM waveforms. A VDF is used as the filter, while a VDA is the amplifier. The M1 is often described as a workstation version of the Roland D-50, due to similar sound generation method.
Perhaps the most notable feature is the 8-track sequencer, holding up to 10 songs, 100 patterns and 7700 notes. Programming the M1 is made easy with a big 40x2 backlit LCD display.
Full MIDI support and a selection of digital effects are also available, making the M1 a serious workstation. MCR-03 RAM cards can be used for memory storaging, and the EXK-M1 ROM expansion kit doubles the PCM memory to 8MB.

    Weight: 13.5kg
Dimensions: 1058 (width)
            356  (depth)
            110  (height)

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