My first daylog ever. I tend to find these irritating, but since I think I might have something to say...

Today I came into work for the 60-ought time. I rolled out of bed early, since I had to drive my father to the Portland, ME jetport. That's right, not airport, but jetport. Decades ago when it was first built they probably thought that sounded more "Vista Cruiser"-ish, in a Jetsonian way. Keep in mind, this 'port, located in the largest city of the State of Maine shuts it's tower down at 12 midnight, sharp, unless there is a prescheduled flight coming in. Anyhow, Dad is off to Las Vegas, or there abouts, to visit a friend, and then off to Wisconsin to visit my sister, who is at grad school. Needless to say, this threw my entire schedule off for the morning, but I can live with it since the house is now mine for 8 days.

Now, there wasn't anything special about this morning, really. I came into work and proceeded to read my 100+ emails in my inbox. Two cups of joe later and I'm into E2, wasting my employer's time. Here comes the strange part. I hear my Boss and his Boss in the corner office babbling on about how great the new project addition is... My addition. An email module and XML generator that will automagically send an XML file of the programs state information (along with all objects at the time) to tech support if an exception occurs. Now, it may sound somewhat fancy-shmancy, but it's less then 1000 lines of code, truthfully. So my Boss, and his Boss are on the speakerphone with the big Boss and he is practically bubbling over with excitement. They think this little package is quite grand. "I haven't been more excited since grandma slipped in the fudge and we got to eat her out" the big guy says (No... really). We can sell this for $1,000 per customer when we add in the alerts system!

So... $1,000 worth? Really? It just doesn't seem worth it. I'm no geek, believe me. This isn't hard stuff. A little code, and it's up and running. Why do I feel like I'm cheating everyone? It just doesn't feel like I did a whole lot. But, I just gotta learn to understand the way things work...

I guess if they're happy