Recently I was listening to good friend Donald Rumsfeld telling us wisely about new fascism and how Saddam Hussein and his advanced military technology is creeping across Europe and conquering weaker countries and we are appeasing him by giving him small countries to own and how this must stop. Wiser words were never spoken.

The liberal media must stop blinding us to the actions of these fascists who are making their national interests more important than those of the weaker nations of the world and we must rise up against it. We must stop listening to the biased liberal media and become real Americans by listening to those who speak the truth, even though they are constantly threatened by the appeasement oriented liberals who have a mad control on our media, our government and our court system. We must begin to stamp out this policy and stand strong.

As hard as it may be for the lilly livered amongst us to accept, we are a Christian nation, and being a Christian nation involves killing anyone who does not agree with us because we are doing the will of God in killing heathens. As we did with the evil, Pilgrim killing Indians who were once a plague upon this land we discovered by the right of God, we must now kill off another uncivilized people who threaten our civilization with their lack of compliance. There is no question here, as my friend Don Rumsfeld and affiliated personages would agree, the infidels must be slain to make way for good highways and so forth that are vital to an organized planet under the umbrella of Great America.

Those who have been paid off to look the other way while barbarians threaten that which we have built through the great and true methods of the free market system and unquestionable democracy must be taught valuable lessons. I look forward to the day they all fall and we can reign supreme with our wisdom and countenance towards success while their failure has brought only tears. I am moved by the words of our President for Life, George Wonderful Bush, who has promised an end to dissent and a unified America under the great truth we all know to be true but are too afraid to accept as great truth because we have very small balls despite more powerful and plentiful weapons created through contributions from grateful taxpayers who don't want to feed welfare mothers with good reason.

Go America! Go, Go, Go! Behr is behind you 105%.