Hamsters to the right of me.

Hamsters to the left of me.

Hamsters in front of me.

I walked into my room to find hundreds and hundreds of hamsters roaming around. Two in the corner having sex, one on my desk giving birth, and others just sleeping and tearing all my shit apart. I close the door to my room and walk out. I really didnt want to have to take care of it. I'm now in my kitchen and when I try to open the new fridge my mom just bought, the handle falls off. I giggle. My mom hears me and walks into the kitchen. BAM! I got knocked upside my head. I take of running to my room before she hits me anymore.
I open the door. Hamsters are still there. I knock all the hamsters off my desk and sign on into e2 to node my daylog(my mom hitting my upside my head) I get on and have a message from Mordel saying he was completely in love with me. A huge smile comes to my face. Instead of noding, I decide to call him up. I dial-up his number and when he picks up he sounds like an 80 year old man. I say, "Hey, this is clearpebbles." He replies, "What you calling me for, you slut?" I wake up.