The thin man sucked on his fag and blew smoke in my face. As he leaned forward to sink the 8-ball he said, "This city is gonna go up in a mushroom. You need to go west. Take the train." The streets kept changing places--I couldn't find the station.

Then I was bound up on a couch in someone's basement. There were people seated all around, trying to decide what to do with me. I recognized a girl from high school who hated me, the ringleader. She was going to kill me. I kept trying to explain that the city was going to be destroyed but no one listened.

The room began to fill with water--eveything was floating about, including me on the couch. I looked up and saw a graceful arm drooped over me.

It was Jim Morrison--young and messy and leather-clad.

I gave him a blow job looking up from underwater. Then he let me go.