
Currently resident of Chicago, IL, Italian-born Brunetti moved to the U.S.A. at the age of 8 and has since been knocking out comics in between and during one horrible job or another, a common situation for most alternative cartoonists.

Perpetually (apparently hereditarily) depressed, his work can be easily identified by a sardonic mix of anger, self-disgust and a general disaffection with modern life.

His art varies from simplified, Schultz-style (almost brush-calligraphic) mini-dramas; to life-art and 60's advertisment-style work, with a good sense of graphic design and color. He also has the ablility to work in the style of almost any notable cartoonist, such as the aforementioned Schultz or Chris Ware.

This man is an artist, a comedian, and a spectator in and of the car crash of life; but ultimately a human being with deep-seated problems with himself and this world.

His work is published mainly through Fantagraphics Books of Seattle WA, and can be viewed online at

sources:; Bagge P., Hate Jamboree #1, 1998, Fantagraphics