When referencing the location "Fairfax, Virginia", one can very easily confuse visitors to Northern Virginia region; in fact, the ambiguity surrounding the name "Fairfax" can sometimes confuse even the most native of residents, if it is not used in proper context. The confusion behind this stems from the fact that Fairfax, Virginia is an independent city that exists within the boundaries of Fairfax County, Virginia. It is sometimes also known as Fairfax City or The City of Fairfax, however, street addresses residing in the city are listed as being in "Fairfax, Virginia", by the US Postal Service.

Located approximately twenty miles west of Washington, DC, Fairfax is primarily situated around or near a quagmire of intersecting roads that include US Interstate 66, State Highways 29 and 50, as well as local route 123. Originally settled in the 1700s, the city of Fairfax is now home to approximately 20,000 residents. It is also home to a fairly large, and rapidly growing "commuter" college, George Mason University. Fairfax, along with much of the Northern Virginia region, is a burgeoning centre for high-tech jobs and corporations on the east coast. In 2000, the unemployment rate in Fairfax was an astounding 0.8%.

Due to the aforementioned early settlement dates for Fairfax, many parts of Fairfax are considered highly historical and, in fact, there are several sites within Fairfax that are on the National Register of Historic Places. Perhaps one of the most notable historical footnotes about Fairfax is that, in June 1, 1861, it became home to the the first melee preceeding the American Civil War.

Works referenced:
  • "City of Fairfax - Visitors" : http://www.ci.fairfax.va.us/Visitors/Visitors.htm
  • "City of Fairfax Virginia - Map of History" : http://www.ci.fairfax.va.us/CityHistory/MapOfHistory.htm