Attn: UK noders! If you currently reside in or around the London area please read this...

A plea for help...

I live in a relatively small (population roughly 50,000) city in Queensland, Australia. I've been working in Level 2 tech support (software) for about 2 years and have decided that it's time for a change. To this end my Girlfriend and I have decided to spend a year in the UK on a working holiday. We are hoping to stay in London for the first 10 months - 1 year before heading off on a budget (backpacking) tour of Europe. My SO is a teacher and therefore has a relatively easy path to gainful employment. I on the other hand have 2 years IT experience and not much else. If anyone could recommend a region in which we could live (we want to live cheaply but we don't want to get raped or stabbed either - no offence to you wonderful Londonites) it would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.

In other news (if I dare suppose that my life qualifies as news) I'm going to attempt Thai pepper garlic chicken tonight. Let's see if E2 can invade my culinary life as well...