I am a bad tipper. Personally, I think tipping is a crock of shit. The only reason I do it is because it is "expected". WTF? If it's expected, why doesn't the restaurant just charge 15% more for everything and pay their employees more?

I'll tell you why, taxes. Tips are most often paid in cash. You really think all those waiters and waitresses report 100% of that money to the IRS? No way. This saves taxes on the part of the employee and the restaurant, because the restaurant can pay the employee less, and the employee gets a large portion of their pay in cash. This cash is impossible for the IRS to track. Yes, some restaurants may have some kind of strict control over tips to prevent some of this, but I can guarantee you that they are few and far between.

No wonder waiters and waitresses get pissed off when you leave a bad tip, that's tax free money you "stiffed" them.

But when it comes down to it, tips are tips. They may be expected, but they are not required (when was the last time you heard of somebody being arrested for not leaving a tip?). All you waiters and waitresses get over it. You do not have some divine entitlement to a tip. If you feel like you are not making enough, ask for a raise, or get another job that isn't based on tips.

Even with my opposing view on tips, I still perform my social duty to tip when I go out. When I go to a restaurant, who ever is waiting on me starts at 15%. If they provide outstanding table service, they get more than 15%. If they provide poor table service, they get less than 15%. That's the way it is. I've left tips as high as 30% and as low as zero. If I leave a "bad tip", I will usually write the reasons on the check (made me wait 15 min to get the check, my glass of water has been empty for the majority of my meal, etc).

No, I've never worked as a waiter. So no, I may not completely understand your position. However, I have had jobs where tips were often given, but I never expected them. Look at a tip as a bonus, not a requirement and your views on "bad tippers" may change.