She does interesting things with her hair. She pulls it back and sets it with
butterfly hair clips. She does that-
scrunchie in her mouth, roll hair into a pigtail thing . She tosses it out of and around coats and pulls her bangs either
out of or
into her eyes, depending on her temporary perspective.
When she is reading she often twirls an end, wrapped around an index finger. When she eats she pulls it away from her face, even when it is not really in the way.
She stares at it, brushes it, pulls on it and fights it. It both surrounds her and abandons her. She hates it when it is wet and loose and tangled. Reckless and alluring-I think, but she wouldn't say that.
I try not to stare at her work in progress, but when she
lets it go, (when she sleeps)-it falls into her face and onto her shoulders-soft brown veil for her dreams. It has a life of its own.