The text of

Honey! Come look! It's a long node title. The author must be possessed of a certain mad joy for life! Their poetry must be insightful and witty and special. I'm certain of it.

included here for histrionic purposes.

When the new system was put in place,
I was totally gay for it.
(I'm trying to get people to use that phrase,
blank is totally gay for blank,

It is funny to use in a serious context,
or when it has to do with straight people,
Geeks are totally gay for Linux,
My mom is totally gay for my dad.)

Lots more nodes,
lots of really exciting stuff. A larger contingent of the other stuff.
A lot more throw-it-at-the-wall-lets-see-if-it-sticks stuff.
Which is marvelous.
sometimes it doesn't stick.

And this needs to be addressed.
Because history will repeat itself.

Remember a year ago,
when an editor deleted a poem by an older user?
And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth?
Some people are totally gay for his work,
and they considered it a transvesty that the poem was deleted.

Read the damn thing.
Put your hand over the name.

I'm not attacking anybody.
I'm just sayin'
If we are working on a free for all model,
we need more aggressive editorial policy.

One with less pussy-footing.

Short Post-Poem QA

Q: Who get's to decide what stays and what leaves? You? *snort*
A: Editors decide what stays and what goes.

Q: It's not like we're hurting for space. It's not hurting anyone. What's the big deal?
A: Signal to noise ratio. If number of nodes rises, the number of substandard nodes will rise. The important thing about E2 is that it not be a slog through dreckville to find quality.

Q: Doesn't this node advocate for it's own deletion?
A: Yes, I guess it does.

Q: Why post it then?
A: Honestly?

Q: Yes.
A: To see if I can get away with it.

Q: What instructions do you have for those who find you reactionary, childish, profane, and moronic?
A: Go eat a dick.