
...to the hallway where my low top shoes are and seize them...

...to the bathroom, but deciding I'd rather piss outside...

...to the kids' room, where my 8 year old mixed breed dog is holed up underneath the bunk bed...

...to the front door, snapping on his collar linked with the retractable leash...

...to the pitch black neighborhoods a few blocks over from the apartment...

...to the notion that we could walk until we're lost and find a way back with my GPS...

...to the mad thoughts swirling in my head, mostly of the house we may soon be renting in another state...

...to the sound of music in my earbuds, staring up dizzily at the 3AM sky filled with constellations...

...to the south, down a long dark road, with the lit steeple of Faith Church showing along an otherwise shadowy eastern horizon, proving my cardinal direction...

...to the point where I decide it's time to turn back around, unhooking the leash and letting my dog lead us back home.