I write this to share my excellent experiences over the past two days. I would have to say that I am incredibly psyched right now.

Okay, first things first. I participate in (on?) my school's Academic Decathlon team. Yesterday was our regionals competition. It had been pushed back a week due to the god-awful weather we had here in Iowa. So, our speech and interview was Thursday night. I got about 850 on both of those. Yesterday was the testing. Then, the awards ceremony. I was very anxious. I was hoping that someone on our team would get some ribbons. I was hoping that I would get a ribbon.

As it turned out, I kicked ass.

I got 6 ribbons. I am in the large school Honors category, and my ribbons are as follows: Third place, math; Third place, language/literature; Third place, speech; Second place, music; First place, art; and first place, science. It was such a rush getting all these ribbons. I was shaking! The rest of our team did decently as well, including a Varsity student that got a perfect 1000 on her interview. Our team placed fourth, and we might go to State. It's very exciting.

Then, today, I performed a piano piece in our school district's solo festival. It didn't go perfectly, but it did go well. Things just kept getting better. This is a good thing, because my school's winter formal is tonight, and I'm not going. It makes me feel a bit loserly, but it can't really cut into how happy I am now.

As a final note, I am writing this on February 18, server time, but it's still Saturday here, so I thought I might as well put the daylog on the right day. Thanks for listening to me brag a little bit!