Useful information about ellipses:
(note: a is the length of the major semiaxis, b is the length of the minor semiaxis, c is the distance from the focus to the center, and a²-b²=c²)
			Horizontal major axis		Horizontal minor axis
Standard Form:		(x-h)²/a²+(y-k)²/b²=1		(x-h)²/b²+(y-k)²/a²=1
Eccentricity:		e=c/a (e<1, e=0  circle)	e=c/a (e<1, e=0  circle)
Length of latera recta:	l=2b²/a				l=2b²/a 
Directrices:		x=±a²/c+h			y=±a²/c+k
Vertices:		(h±a,k±b)			(h±b,k±a)
Foci:			(h±c,k)				(h,k±c)
Parametric Form:	x′=asin(t) or	x′=acos(t)	x′=bsin(t) or	x′=bcos(t)
			y′=bcos(t) 	y′=bsin(t)	y′=acos(t)	y′=asin(t)
See also: