Stoneleigh Bible Week was an annual event held at the National Agricultural Centre near Coventry, UK. It was organized by, and run primarily for, the New Frontiers International (NFI) church, although anyone was welcome to attend.

In latter years, the event spanned two weeks due to high attendance - up to 40,000 people per year. For Christian adults, the programme consisted of fantastic worship sessions and enlightening seminars. Children had their own age-related groups, and non-believers "along for the ride" had "just looking" events that explained Christianity.

The worship CDs from Stoneleigh, plus the re.vive youth CDs, represent the pinnacle of live worship music.

2001 was the final event. The NFI leaders felt that God was telling them to move out and do His work in the world rather than focusing their energies and resources on what was essentially a self-serving event that happened to experience hundreds of conversions each year.

Greater things are to come...