A Perfectly Simple game for 2-6 players.

Simple? Fluxx has but one rule: "Draw one card and then play one card." What cards might one play? Well, one might play Time, or War, or perhaps Love. I shall play Chocolate-- it is a fine thing to have Chocolate. What's this? You have played the card "Play two cards." Well, play a second card! Do you not know the rule of Fluxx? It is this: "Draw one card and then play two cards." Well, that's what it is now. Perfectly simple. The goal of the game? Ah, I'm terribly sorry. No one has played one yet.

(from the box of Fluxx 2.1)

Fluxx version 3.0 came out in December 2002, with several much-needed updates. The full list of changes can be found at Looney Labs' site (http://www.wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/Fluxx/); it goes something like this.

  • Weak keepers removed, new ones added
  • Ditto for actions
  • Goals changed to reflect new keeper mix
  • Kepper-hiding rules removed; individual card bonuses removed; new interesting rules added. My favorite is X = X + 1, which makes it so that any numeral on another card is incremented by 1.
  • The rules included in the box are a lot cooler; however, I traditionally lost the rules every time I purchased a new deck, so I can't compare individual changes.
  • The game now costs about $2 more.
  • But this is made up for by the fact that the box is now black.

The only way in which the new vesion is inferior to the old is the back of the box, which now has some unfortunately informative picture instead of the text above.

A freeware Palm version of Fluxx is available under the name "MicroFluxx."