Don't Call Me A Techie, Dammit!!

Sure I can swing from the rafters with the best of them.
And there may be a a mag lite, a leatherman, and a crescent wrench permanently attached to my side. And I may be clad in black head to toe.

But don't call me a techie!!

Beneath what you call a techie:
  • is someone who arrived 10 hours before you for load in and will stay 6 hours after you leave.
  • is a Fine Arts degree that covered everything from mechanical engineering to fashion history, human figure drawing and graphic design to carpentry and welding.
  • is someone just as capable dealing with the micro-voltages on a DMX Isolated splitter or a 480 volt three phase buck-boost transformer.
  • is the person who makes sure that 2 ton piece of truss stays up in the air where it belongs.
  • is the person who decides whether you are being lit with Alice Cooper green or something a little more flattering.
  • is the person who can tell you the difference between a himation and a chlamys and or what type of egg and dart moulding would be most appropriate to a given section of London circa 1830.

It's demeaning. I don't call you an actie now do I?
And don't get me started on roadie