ash cash - payment received for filling out a cremation form

bash cash - payment for verifying assault claim

houseplant - junior house officer (first year doctor)

killing season, the - period around August in which freshly minted doctors (houseplants) take employment. 

LONH - patient with a suboptimal Glasgow Coma Scale score. 

P3 - standard A&E treatment (paracetamol/penicillin/discharge)

PGT - inebriated, involved in an altercation

PFO - inebriated, everything spinning

PDA - inebriated, denies all 

supra-tentorial - problem is located above the tentorium cerebelli 

top and tail - endoscope in both ends of the gastro-intestinal tract 

TTFO - asked to leave, usually the emergency department


I'll add a few more as they come to me.